Dear Family & Friends,
This is Yasoda. She is a girl after my own heart. When we first arrived, she would barely make eye contact but she would always be walking briskly around the house with a stack of books or have her nose buried in her books, studying very hard.
She has picked up English very quickly and has been my very patient Nepali teacher.
She is extremely shy but once she warms up to you, she is just the most lovely soul.
Yasoda is the oldest girl in the new home and the younger girls just hang on to her every word. She sets the benchmark on behaviour and we are pleased to say that she sets the standard very, very high. She has the heart of a leader; she just needs to believe that herself too.
When Tom was allocating new hip-hop names to the children, she was mildly distressed at being named after a chocolate bar but very graciously accepted it since he had picked it for her. Since then, she has developed a skip in her step and loves being called Kit-to-the-Kat.
We both think she is just gorgeous and has model potential but we can see her equally becoming a doctor or a teacher.
I look forward to morning tea and biscuits because I know she would've saved me a seat next to her on the kitchen bench. She still doesn't say much and just likes holding my hand. There are just some things you do not need words for.
Happy New Year!
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