Tonight is our last night in Nepal. It is going to be a sad morning and a very, very long flight home.
It is hard to believe that we have been here 4 weeks and we are leaving tomorrow.
This brings me to Ishwor. “Iggy” arrived at the home a couple of weeks before us. When we first met him he was very standoff-ish and asserted himself by sitting on the younger boys or pushing the girls around. One month on and it is a totally different child.
He has a brilliant smile and is the first in line to give us hugs or to get his hair done (he vehemently refused to have me touch his head when I first arrived). He helps the younger children get ready and with their school work. It is an absolute testament to the love they have received from Mary-Kate, Vinod and everyone here at Papa’s House. Michael has set a wonderful precedent of care and love that each and every child receives.
We will be leaving our hearts behind tomorrow.
Sending you much love,
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