Sunday, November 1, 2009

A Crash Course In Parenting

Updated family photo

Hi Everyone!

It's been a very different experience for our little clan. A combination of new experiences, new routines and new expectations, plus throw it cultural differences, and you have a bucketload of new moments.

Our kitchen door that leads into the backyard doesn't quite close firmly, so to minimize drafts, the hotel has a cloth windstop at the base of the door. Kabita says to me, "Mum, I think we have rats." "Rats? Did you see a rat?" "No, they have this here, this is to keep out rats." "Oh, I don't think it is too keep out rats ..." Kabita then looks very troubled ... "Then we have snakes???" It would never have occurred to me that it was to keep out rats & snakes!

Tonight, the girls had to put a few things in the fridge for me when Apsara noticed the freezer. It's a little dorm room fridge, so the freezer had iced. She picked at the ice and very excitedly called for her sister. There was some chattering in Nepali and then the questions came; "What is this?" "What happens if we put in water?" "What is this in it?" (frozen chicken) I found a of couple ice trays and we currently have a tray of water in the freezer awaiting its turn into ice, hopefully before bedtime. I hadn't even thought of explaining what ice cubes where to the girls!

There have been days where I feel all I am doing it cooking, cleaning, doing laundry and doing school runs and the days just run into each other.

I've become quite proficient with hand gestures and a few Nepali words. "Eh!" through the nose and with a flick of my hands and a wrinkled nose shows displeasure at the quoted price. "Che!" with a wrinkled nose shows general displeasure.

I have also become equally proficient at sneaking legumes into meals (legumes? what legumes?), dealing with picky eaters (food pyramid) and doing several things at the same time.

Much love,


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