Friday, April 3, 2009

More Thoughts on Life

I am torn about rain in Kathmandu. On one hand, it cleans the air and settles the dust so that you can breathe, but on the other hand, it makes slippery mud piles all over the valley. There are moments where you wonder if it is just mud or something else …

With the rain, we lost precious electricity even earlier than usual because of the giant thunder and lighting storm. It felt that the claps were right above our bed for a good 10 minutes. We were lucky and our house stayed very dry inside. The girls’ house had one of their play areas totally flooded, and since there is so much open space, a lot of water made it to various areas.

It also took out the Internet at our house, so we were without a line to the world for 3 whole days!

The lane outside our house is finally getting paved. Nepali women fill me with awe. On a diet of dhal bhat, they do ALL the heavy labour on any construction site. While I cautiously navigate the pebbles and broken bricks, they glide effortlessly over the same area with over 20 kgs of building material stacked on their backs and balanced by a towel wrapped around their heads.

The men, like every other construction site in the world, stand around, direct traffic and sing and whistle.

It seems each new day in Dhapasi brings a new house. Our little village is no longer a village but a sprawling suburb.

I keep forgetting to tell everyone – Apsara has mastered the art of riding an escalator! I am so proud! We have a new supercenter near us and it is all very exciting. Kabita is not impressed by the concept and hops on the first step and then races up to the rest of the steps to get off ASAP. They also have an elevator, but with the power outages, I am not so keen on giving it a go, even if Bhat Bhatini has its own generator.

One of my most cherished moments is walking Apsara to school in the morning. Even if I look like something the cat dragged in, we have the same conversation on the same stretch of the walk:

A: “Mum?”
F: “Yes?”
A: “You are looking sooooooo beautiful today”
F: “I love you”
A: “I love you too”

We had a Holi on Thursday and Saturday this week, so it has been wonderful to spend time with the girls. We’ve played Monopoly and Connect 4, and they are attempting to master Checkers.

Our friends here in Kathmandu have been very generous, and have extended their wonderful hospitality each Holi. It has been a totally new experience for the girls to visit with friends, and to share a meal with adults where they are a part of the conversation and the ongoing activities.

Tom and I picked up some workbooks for the girls via Amazon, and they are powering through them; I think if we get the chance to bring them home, they will be very well prepared for school. I still can’t wrap my head around my 8 year old doing algebra at school!

Things on the legal side is plodding along Nepali style, so we just treasure each moment we get with the girls and acknowledge that we are not your average family, but it is just how we are.

Sending love, as always,


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