Good evening again Web Wanderers,
For those of you looking for Fiona's entry this evening, I must apologize. I had something I just had to share with all of you.
As you've read in the blog so far, I've had a bit of a rough go of it physically so far. A friend recently mentioned to me that my experience sounds identical to boot camp, and I think it's an excellent analogy. Most of the difficulties I shrug off, (like having a heavy blanket on a piece of plywood for a bed), but having no meat in the daily diet is the one area that is really starting to wear on me. Despite being expertly prepared, the smell of curried vegetables is beginning to make me quite nauseous.The other day, Fiona and I travelled into town to pick up 3 care packages that one of the volunteer's parents sent her. She was busy teaching classes and asked us to pick it up so that they wouldn't mysteriously disappear (which is entirely too common in Nepal). In them were assorted foods for her and supplies for the kids, but what really caught my eye and made my mouth water was the two big bags of beef jerky that was sent to help her survive the next 3 months (she's already been here for 2). That made me think and appreciate all of my close friends that I know any one of them would come to my rescue and send me a box of beef jerky if I asked.
Christmas is coming soon and all of the children have written letters to Santa asking for 4 things they would like for Christmas. Their responses would break your heart. One child asked Santa to bring a doctor to help his crippled friend walk. The other wishes were for things like a new heavy coat since their current one has grown too small. Others asked for school supplies or a new pair of shoes to go running each morning in. Items we consider necessities, are items these children dream about.
So this is my proposal: The Carnivore Challenge. Instead of asking each of you to send me a care package of assorted meat products, I respectfully request that you donate the $50 (or more) you would have spent on food and shipping (it costs $37 just to ship a care package) to ensure these children have a truly blessed Christmas. For every $50 we receive, I PROMISE to go an entire day not bitching and moaning my lack of animal proteins. And here's the best part, a close, personal friend and outstanding individual has agreed to match dollar for dollar ALL contributions up to $2000 submitted as part of this challenge. With 50 kids now, I don't think my pocketbook can do it alone. I can't imagine anything more fulfilling than to make the children believe Santa really cared enough to read their letter and bring them all four things on their list, as well as buy some assorted sporting goods and toys for all to share. I brought a football with me, and despite never seeing one before in their lives, we playing "3 flies up" like pros within minutes.
So please help make their dreams come true at the expense of my ample waistline. Donations can be made via the Paypal link to the left. Just put in the comment section that you would like the funds earmarked for Christmas or the Carnivore Challenge so that we can claim the matching funds and make it a very Merry Christmas for all.
I truly appreciate all of your support. Even if you contributed before, here's a chance to make your money go twice as far and you get my ongoing guarantee that every penny will be spent on enriching these children's lives.
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